Sunday, November 27

Good Old Games, most deserved name ever?

So I may be years behind, but I finally signed up to Good Old Games and what can I say. The name is no misnomer, the site is jam packed with good, mostly old, games. Better yet, as soon as you sign up you get five titles for nowt...
Lure of the Temptress - good.
Tyrian 2000 - amazing.
Beneath a Steel Sky - awesome (but I never finished it!)
Teen Agent - um no idea sorry.
Ultima IV - never played any of these (for shame!)
Dragonsphere - *shrug*.

So anyway I signed up in order to purchase Commandos, a game I remember spending many an hour struggling with. For $6 (about £4, give or take) I couldn't justify pirating it. Not that I ever would. I'm lying.

So yeah. Thought I'd share that nugget of useless information in the hope it might not be useless and might entice you to check out their catalogue. There's some gold in there, such as Beyond Good and Evil, a game which almost perpetually topped the chart of 'games you must play' in the sadly defunct PCZone magazine, a suggestion I have always meant to follow. I think it's $10, so I might have to save up my pocket money...

Oh PS they just signed up EA, so hopefully some epic games to come. Bioforge anyone?

(lol at their Polish-ness)

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